Last Updated on October 3, 2022 by Jamie
Does CBD really get you high? How does it feel in your body?
These are commonly asked questions in the world of CBD use. It makes perfect sense if you are in this boat as well, considering how close CBD products are with marijuana.
Let’s take a close look at CBD, what it means, and of course, answers to some common questions you might have.
What is CBD?
First things first! What exactly is CBD?
Well, CBD or Cannabidiol is one of the hundreds of natural compounds extracted from the cannabis plant. Unlike its other notorious counterpart, Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, CBD is more like the family’s good kid.
While THC makes you feel high, CBD does not. Instead, it merely induces the feeling of relaxation. It has a soothing effect that makes you feel calm and relaxed without necessarily getting you high.
Among its various benefits, research has proven that CBD potentially helps alleviate pain and other severe symptoms from chronic illnesses in people. Additionally, the component has the potential to promote sleep, reduce inflammation, and even reduce anxiety.
Does CBD Make You Feel High?
As we’ve seen, CBD does not make you high. But to fully understand why, we have to dive a bit into the science of it all.
You’d be surprised to find out that your body naturally produces cannabinoids. It has an Endocannabinoid system that creates and receives cannabinoids. The system does this through two receptors: CB1 AND CB2 receptors.
Now, onto the cannabis and how it all relates.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the psychoactive compound in cannabis, works by directly affecting the neurotransmitters in your brain. It attaches to the CB1 receptor, affecting the brain’s memory concentration, pleasure, sensory, time perception, and movement centers. This is what basically induces the feeling of being high.
On the other hand, studies show that CBD does not directly attach to these receptors. Instead, it communicates with the receptors, targeting areas within the body that need balancing. What you get from this are therapeutic effects only.
You get to feel comfortable, calm, and relaxed throughout your body while still being grounded and functional.
So, in short, CBD does not have any adverse effects on your brain. You won’t feel forgetful, disoriented, or high.
Does CBD Make You Tired?
Because of its calming effect, CBD tends to make some people feel sleepy, just like some health supplements do. That is why most people like to have their daily dose before bed.
Primarily, the Endocannabinoid system in your body is charged with regulating bodily functions. This includes things to do with sleeping cycles, hormones, and body temperature. Therefore, because of CBD influence on the sleep-wake cycle, you might feel a certain degree of tiredness.
But don’t worry – this effect is relative.
Some people report that CBD actually improves their levels of engagement and focus. It’s really about finding what works for you and taking a dose with regard to how your body responds.

How Long Does CBD Take Before You Feel the Effects?
Onto the question that most new timers have been wondering – How long is it likely to take before those CBD effects start to kick in?
Simple answer: it depends on the dosing method you choose!
Here’s a quick rundown:
Topical forms of CBD (the non-ingestible)
By topical forms, we are talking about all the products you apply over your body to relieve muscle or joint pains.
This includes all the ointments, balm, lotions, and oils. Ideally, you should start feeling relief about 15 minutes after application. CBD creams and lotions are also claimed to resolve skin problems like acne and eczema.
Edible forms for CBD
Think of things like cookies, gummies, capsules, tinctures, or CBD oil used in cooking. For these, the results vary in intensity.
The ones you keep under the tongue, like tinctures, usually take about 30 seconds to absorb. You’ll likely feel its effect within 15 minutes. When ingesting the CBD, which typically implies swallowing it, the effect should take anywhere between 45 minutes to two hours to be felt.
Vaping is perhaps the fastest way you can feel the effects of CBD. You can do this by inhaling vaporised CBD oil using a vape pen or e-cigarette. Because you inhale it, the CBD goes directly to your bloodstream and is, therefore, absorbed immediately.
Capsules and pills
CBD pills and capsules are meant to handle a variety of issues like sleep deprivation, seizures, and digestive problems.
Usually, you’d absorb them just as you would any other pill. The difference between pills and vapes is that the pill will take longer for your body to absorb.
How Does Your Body Feel After Taking CBD?
CBD has a vast array of functions. In most cases, you will find CBD products being used by people struggling with arthritis, back pain, and other conditions. This is because CBD relieves aches and tension throughout the body.
Many patients report feeling more energetic and physically capable of doing activities that would have otherwise caused soreness or pain. Cannabis is also proven to have anti-stress effects.
Marijuana-derived CBD vs. Hemp-Derived CBD
There are two main classifications of the plant producing CBD: marijuana and Hemp.
Let’s learn a little bit about these two classifications:
Hemp has long been grown for industrial purposes because of its fiber. The hemp fiber is mainly used in making paper, rope, and even clothing because of its toughness. It is important to note that the products labeled “hemp oil” are not CBD oil, and in most cases, they don’t contain any CBD.
Marijuana-derived CBD
On the other hand, we have the more renowned marijuana, mainly grown for its THC. Some strains of marijuana have CBD, but the THC content is generally higher. Because of this, marijuana-derived CBD products might have some level of intoxication.
Dosing: How to Take CBD
As we’ve established, CBD has a relaxing effect on your body. It even reduces inflammation and pain without making you high.
If you are only just using CBD for the first time, you are recommended to begin with a low dosage. For example, if you are dealing with CBD oil, start with about 5 drops. Place it under your tongue for a minute and wait for results. Then you can build up gradually to about 30 drops at a time.
So, is CBD Safe?
Good question!
While some more in-depth research is required to establish the full effects of CBD, it is generally considered safe to consume.
As it stands, studies done to date have not shown any negative side effects of CBD, especially when compared to THC. Therefore, much as individuals react differently, CBD is still pretty safe.
Following the discovery of the medicinal benefits of CBD, the component has quickly grown to become the new craze in town. You’ll find it infused in just about anything – from cookies, gummies, vape juice and body products like muscle creams and hair products.
As you’ve seen, CBD products are just about calming and soothing effects. As far as body effects are concerned, you have to keep in mind that we are all different, and therefore CBD will affect each of us a little differently.