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The 5 Best Supplements For Bulking

The 5 Best Supplements For Bulking

best supplements for bulking

Last Updated on April 22, 2022 by

The Pain Of Bulking

Bulking is fun for some, and pure pain for others. It depends if you’re a ‘hard gainer’ or not (if such a thing exists).

So to expedite the process for you, I’ve created a list of the best supplements for bulking. Hopefully, they’ll make your bulking experience easier.

These supplements should make it easier for you to gain weight and muscle. I’ve also created a list of the best muscle gaining supplements if you’d like more insight into this topic.

Understanding Bulking

Fundamentally, all that matters is consuming more calories than your body needs. This can 100% be done through food alone.

Supplements help speed up the process. They’re faster than preparing food, fairly cheap and easily transportable.

So, you should look at the best supplements for bulking as a ‘helping hand’ rather than a staple of your bulk.

The 5 Best Supplements For Bulking

1. Mass Gainer

What Is It?

A mass gainer is on the best supplements for bulking list for a reason. It’s a monstrous way to consume a boatload of calories quickly. It typically contains a focus on Whey protein with other ingredients such as Coconut sugar, Cacao powder, Oats and many more.

best supplements for bulking

How Does It Help

Mass gainer simply floods your stomach with calories, fast. If you’re struggling with consuming large amounts of food throughout the day, mass gainer may be your answer.

How Much Should You Take?

The typical recommended amount ranges from 200 to 400 grams, depending on the brand. This will typically average between 900-1500 calories, in one shake!

2. CBD Oil

What Is It?

CBD oil is derived from a chemical found in the Cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD only provides therapeutic benefits to the body, not psychoactive. If you’d like a more in-depth breakdown of CBD, be sure to check out our ‘What is CBD‘ article.

Pure Sport CBD Oil & Capsules
best supplements for bulking

How Does It Help

An interesting choice for the best supplements for bulking list, but don’t sleep on CBD oil. CBD oil has many proven positive health benefits, such as increased appetite which is relevant in this case.

How Much Should You Take?

It greatly depends on the product. Pure CBD for example a leading industry brand recommends a dosage between 20-30mg per day.

3. Creatine

What Is It?

To start with, creatine is the world’s most studied fitness supplement. It’s an amino acid found in our bodies and mainly in red meat foodwise. It contributes to muscle growth, strength and recovery.

best supplements for bulking

How Does It Help

Creatine will improve your overall strength and longevity in the gym, resulting in better muscle gain. Creatine will also make you gain weight, however, most of this is water weight. It has been said to increase appetite, although the majority of these claims are anecdotal.

How Much Should You Take?

The recommended and optimal dosage of Creatine is 3-5mg per day. However, most undergo a loading phase of up to 20mg per day for 1 week, to allow proper absorption into the body.

4. Protein Powder

What Is It?

How could there be the best supplements for bulking list without protein powder? Protein powder is a focused form of protein, the nutrient that’s fundamental to muscle growth.

best supplements for bulking

How Does It Help

It will help you build muscle for one, but it’s also a quick and simple way to get extra calories in throughout the day.

How Much Should You Take?

It’s really up to you. However, more than 50g in one sitting may cause you health issues (the smelly kind). Thus, you’ll have to test the waters yourself and see what works for you.

5. Omega 3

What Is It?

Omega 3 is a nutrient most commonly found in fish. It helps substantially contribute to testosterone production, brain function and maintaining a proper appetite.

See Also
best supplements for bulking

How Does It Help

It will make you stronger, sharper and hungrier to put it simply. It’s a supplement every man should take regardless, not for just bulking.

How Much Should You Take?

The standard dosing recommendation is 250-500 mg per day, The amounts of capsules or liquid drops will depend on the brand.

How To Bulk

Now we’ve illuminated the best supplements for bulking, let’s go into more detail on how to actually bulk.

As mentioned towards the beginning of this article, all that matters in a bulk is being in a calorie surplus. Eat more than your body needs with high calorie-dense foods.

You can do this simply by eating or drinking calories, and by adding in these supplements. It’s much simpler than people make it to be.


So the best supplements for bulking, are they right for you? That’s a question you’ll have to answer yourself.

At the end of the day, supplements should only be viewed as a helping hand rather than a necessity. Food should always be your go-to, no matter what any influencer tells you.

Now, get eating! Also, consider these supplements for an easy and fast way to get in calories, and as always train hard.

Your coach,


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